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Junior Course

Junior Course

USD$ 500 

3 classes/week*

2 week course *







*The duration and timing of the classes are customisable

What is it?

This course is designed to be an introduction to investing in the stock market and understanding how investing works and how to think like and investor.

What you will learn.

Level 1

Introduction to saving and investing, investing mindset, risk and risk profile building, understanding the stock market, criteria of investing

  • What is the market?

  • What is risk?

  • How to save and invest

  • Building a risk profile

  • How to build an investor mindset

  • Resources and Books

Level 2

Introduction to macro and micro economics, understanding what goes into a company, learning how to pick stocks

  • Introduction to Macro and Micro Economics

  • Company building blocks

  • Financial metrics

  • Finding value in companies

  • Investing methods

  • Resources and Books

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